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76B earlswood St
Se10 9Es


About Us

Please allow us to introduce you to a project who's sole aim is to exist amongst an over crowded market that is always looking for something that will strive to stand on its own against all the odds.

Wild buffalo & Robe Unfold is the brain child of Mario Matos. After many years working in the frontlines of the fashion retail industry, Mario finally had the guts to try a different approach. He took a gamble on trying to start a project which would need the full support of his many creative & talented friends in order to achieve his ludicrous dream.


A dream in the form of a brand that would not only appeal to some, but a brand that would forever be evolving and one that thrives in the spirit of collaboration , sustainability ,individuality  & freedom of expression.   

The name is inspired by the chief of a Native American tribe called Amahami. According to tribal history the Amahami have always lived along the upper Missouri River. They were a peaceful tribe who dedicated their time looking after the land and trading with other tribes. The Amahami Chief was Tatuckcoprinreha. In English this translates to White Buffalo Robe Unfolded (WBRU).

After reading about it, he felt a connection with them. The English name of the chief lingered in his mind and as the brand started to take shape, Mario was drawn to his name more and more. During a creative brainstorm meeting the name Wild Buffalo Unfold manifested it self and here we are.

Our ethos is simple! Be the change you want to see - "Mahatma Gandhi"

By these standards, we endeavour to always provide quality & creative garments that invoke and celebrate our human individuality in harmony with our planet!

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